Installing Python

First, you'll need to have python installed. ETS installs python on all computers. Simply open the Start menu, and search for "Python".

Note: If you intend to use Anaconda and the conda commands, you can skip installing python and go straight to installing Anaconda. Anaconda comes bundled with Python, and you can use a Virtual Environment to chose a particular version of Python (see below for setting up a Virtual Environment).

If this isn't the right version for you, you are welcome to install a different version from the Python website. When you run the installer, please uncheck the box "Install launcher for all users (recommended)". Then, click "Install Now". This requires no special privileges or permissions.

Installing Anaconda

ETS does not install Anaconda on office computers. This installation will be done by individual users to prevent possible permissions errors. Please visit Anaconda's website to download the installer for Anaconda. Please install for only your user account, and not for all users.

On Engineering Lab computers, Anaconda is already installed for all users. To begin using Anaconda, please create a virtual environment first (see below).

Once you have Anaconda installed, open the Anaconda Prompt by going to the Start Menu, then search for "Anaconda". Run the program that appears.

Setting up a Virtual Environment

To set up a virtual environment, you'll need to run the following command (call it anything you want, replace "my_environment" with your environment name):

conda create -n my_environment

Once your environment is created, activate it with:

conda activate my_environment

(Replace my_environment with the name of the environment you created earlier)


To leave the virtual environment, type:

conda deactivate

Installing Jupyter

To install jupyter, open your Anaconda command prompt (and enter your virtual environment). Type the following:

conda install jupyter notebook

Once jupyter installs, you can launch it by running jupyter notebook (as follows) in your anaconda command prompt window.

jupyter notebook

Navigate to your jupyter notebook file, and run it.

Installing modules like pandas, numpy, and more

You can use pip in the anaconda prompt to install packages within your virtual environment. To install a package (like pandas) simply open the Anaconda prompt, and type the following:

pip install pandas

You can also use conda in the anaconda prompt to install packages. To install a package with conda, open the Anaconda prompt and type the following (replace pandas with your package name):

conda install pandas

If you install a module to python, you'll need to quit and re-launch Jupyter Notebook before the new packages will be recognized.