
Basic Installation using the client and UI provided by PaloAlto networks

Contact CSU's Division of IT to obtain installers for Global Protect. You'll be given a tarball of all available installers (for all distributions of Linux). Download the tarball you're given, and extract the files using the following (replace PanGP.tar with your filename):

tar -xzvf PanGP.tar

Then, run the following commands from a terminal window to install the two .deb packages using the following* (use the correct version number on your files):

sudo dpkg -i GlobalProtect_deb-
sudo dpkg -i GlobalProtect_UI_deb-

If the second command gives an error simply install the missing dependency:

sudo apt install -y libqt5webkit5

and run the command again. If the installation succeeds, you will see a popup window that says "Enter Portal Address". Enter gateway.colostate.edu and then log in with your NetID (eID) and Password, and authenticate using DUO.

*If you're running Ubuntu on an ARM processor (if you are not sure, you're probably not) then install the GlobalProtect_deb-version-arm.deb files instead. If you're using an Intel or AMD processor try using the regular .deb files.

Slightly more advanced installation using Openconnect and a custom Open Source UI

Install openconnect using the following:

sudo apt install openconnect

To install the custom Open Source UI as per https://github.com/yuezk/GlobalProtect-openconnect run the following:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:yuezk/globalprotect-openconnect
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install globalprotect-openconnect

Once the package is installed, run the following from a terminal window to launch the Global Protect UI


If everything worked, you'll see a popup window that says "Enter Portal Address". Enter gateway.colostate.edu and log in with your NetID (eID) and Password, and authenticate using DUO.

Other Linux Distributions

For other distributions of Linux, CSU's Division of IT can provide the installers provided by PaloAlto networks upon request. However, your needs might be more suited to using the open source packages OpenConnect and GlobalProtect-Openconnect from https://github.com/yuezk/GlobalProtect-openconnect . Install openconnect using the instructions for your distribution, and then install the globalprotect-openconnect package for your distribution following the instructions on the linked github page.

Please contact CSU's Division of IT by emailing help@colostate.edu with questions.