Before you begin
You will need to be connected to the Global Protect VPN:
You can check your connection here: If you are successfully connected to the VPN, you will see blue text that reads "and is connected to the CSU Network."
I'm trying to connect to the Virtual Classroom:
Download the Virtual Classroom Connection file. Open up File Explorer, and go to your Downloads Folder. Double Click on the downloaded file. Check the 'Don't Ask Me Again' box, and then click "YES". Login using your engineering username and password. For more information, please see our information page here:
I'm trying to connect to another computer:
Windows comes with a built in application called "Remote Desktop Connection." In the lower left hand corner of your screen, click on the search icon (next to the Windows icon), and then begin typing "Remote Desktop Connection". This will launch the Remote Desktop Connection window. Click on the dropdown menu "Show Options" in the lower left hand corner of the window. In the "Computer:" box, enter the name of the computer you wish to connect to like this: or .
Then, enter your username like this:\your_username
*(Note the backslash ' \ ' after*
You can save this to your desktop to easily access it:
Click on the "Save As..." box after you have set up the Computer Name and Username. Navigate to your Desktop, and click "Save." You can now launch the connection by double clicking on the Connection file that you saved.