If you are getting a 506 error when trying to install or update Creative Cloud or one of its apps, this fix should work. This is involves editing the registry, so be extremely careful to only edit this entry. If you are not comfortable doing this then please put in a ticket request and ETS can help you with it. 

You need to verify that Windows registry has Trusted Apps enabled. 

Type regedit in Windows search, and run the Regedit program.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\Appx in the registry editor (regedit) and change the value of AllowAllTrustedApps to 1.

If that key is not there, then right click and create a new DWORD (32-bit) Value. The name should be AllowAllTrustedApps. Then double-click it to open it and change the value to 1. 

Try to install the app from the Creative Cloud desktop app.